Meaning of Anointing



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  • Meaning of Anointing

    Can you define the term ''Anointing'' or ''Anointed''. I have heard that some people are anointed in the area's of drama. I can find no scripture stating that this is a Biblical Ministry. I think that some use the term ''Anointed'' instead of using the proper term which would be Gifted or An Ability. Is the Anointing Holy Spirit controlled while gifts are subject to man.
    Thank you for providing the truth for free.

  • #2
    Good Question

    "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. . . . As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him." 1 John 2:20, 27

    There is sometimes a difference in the Biblical concept of anointing in contrast to current concepts of anointing presented in many churches. It is not uncommon to hear comments in church, on Christian radio, and on Christian television where the words "anoint," "anointing," and "anointed" are used. Very often the context and the connotative meanings poured into these words differ from the words as they are used within the context of the Bible. Virtually all of the misunderstanding of the biblical concept of anointing can be attributed to the failure to define the word anointing as it is used in scripture. It is difficult to discuss or understand any subject unless you have a clear understanding of the words that are used to frame that discussion.

    The Greek word for anointing is chrisma, from which we have the word chrism. Chrisma appears several times in 1 John 2:20 and 27. It comes from the root word, chriƓ, which means to rub something or someone lightly with a substance like oil or lotion. The word christos means a person so anointed and the word chrisma refers to that by which a person is anointed. John uses chrisma in these two verses, not speaking of the object being anointed but of the instrument of anointing. Additionally, we find a word christianos in Acts 11:26, which means "one belonging to the Anointed One," just as Herodianos would mean "one who belongs to Herod."

    The Old Testament tells us that certain officers in Israelite society—priests, prophets, and kings—were anointed as they began their official duties. For example, in Exodus 29:7 we read that Aaron the high priest was anointed before he began his ministry. God told Moses, "Take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head." In this case, the anointing oil was the 'chrisma,' the instrument of anointing. Similarly, in 1 Kings 19:16 God told Elijah, "Also anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet."

    What was the significance of being anointed? By this ceremony the participants were set apart, commissioned, and authorized by God to work for him. They were anointed with oil, which represents the Holy Spirit. This is illustrated in the anointing of David as king of Israel by Samuel when he was designated to replace Saul. In 1 Samuel 16:3 we read, "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers." Here the oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and we are told, "From that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power."

    As the ultimate Prophet, Jesus Christ was anointed when he began his earthly ministry. This anointing was predicted by Isaiah in Isaiah 61:1 when he said that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon the Messiah. In God’s time, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, we are told the Holy Spirit came upon him when he came up out of the water. In other words, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and that without measure. When Jesus quoted Isaiah 61:1,2 in the synagogue of Nazareth, saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me," he was announcing to the people that he was the Messiah prophesied by Isaiah long ago and that the anointing of the Holy Spirit was now resting upon him.

    Not only is Jesus Christ anointed, but the Bible tells us that every believer in Jesus Christ is also anointed in the Holy Ghost. We are kings, priests, and prophets under the Priest, Prophet and King, the Lord Jesus Christ. We find references to this in many places. John the Baptist said there was another person coming after him, mightier than himself, who would baptize people in the Holy Spirit and fire. In Acts 1:5 the Lord Jesus Christ himself speaks of this, saying, "For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, as we read in Acts 2:4: "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Thus, when John writes in 1 John 2:20, "But you have a chrisma, an anointing," he was referring to the coming of the Holy Spirit upon every believer. Eph. 2:10 tells us that "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." We are all specifically chosen by God for His use!

    The Bible tells us we are not to be naive and gullible; rather, we are to test every spirit (1 John 4:1-4). We must test every spirit, not by our own subjectivity, but by the objective truth of the sound scripture. When we do so, we will be able to recognize those who have a counterfeit indwelling. Such people will pervert the gospel and twist its meaning, especially what the Bible teaches about the person and work of Jesus Christ. If a person does not believe and proclaim the objective, wholesome truth as revealed in Scripture, his indwelling is potentially counterfeit.

    Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:6: "Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, ‘Do not go beyond what is written.’" Paul is making the point that people with false anointing are always going beyond what is written. They will not abide in the once-for-all-given revelation of God in his Son Jesus Christ and those matters proclaimed in Scripture. They are not satisfied with what is presented, but will concoct interpretations not relevant to the accepted Canon of scripture. They will sometime teach different interpretations, departing from established positions as held by the church for two milleniums.

    In 1 Corinthians 2:12 Paul says, "We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us." This is what differentiates a Christian from those of worldly mind and heart. Every Christian has received the Holy Spirit and, therefore, will come under his ministry of opening the Scriptures and revealing Christ to us through them.

    In 1 John 2:20 we are told that every Christian possesses the holy anointing. John writes, "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth." You cannot be a Christian unless you have the Holy Spirit. In verse 27 we are told, "And as for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you." Christians receive this anointing at the time of their conversion. It is speaking about baptism in the Holy Spirit by condition of regeneration. We must then understand a few things. Every Christian has this anointing because every Christian has received the Holy Spirit. Those who teach that one must speak in tongues to be under the anointing of Christ has an unbalance understanding of what Scripture teaches. This topic is dealt with in detail HERE.

    As a result of our being anointed and possessing the Holy Spirit, there is another item that is true of every Christian. In the latter part of 1 John 2:20 we read, "And all of you know the truth." Anointing and knowledge are connected. If we have the Holy Spirit, we will have a reaffirming witness of the truth when correct teachings are taught, especially about the office and purpose of Jesus Christ, whom the Scripture reveals. This is the characteristic of the new covenant, as we read in Jeremiah 31:34 and Hebrews 8:11: "No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,’ declares the Lord." In new covenant times, through the anointing of the Lord, everybody will have witness about the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    What does John mean by the phrase: "you have no need for anyone to teach you"? Should we suddenly dismiss our pastors and teachers? Some people have thought this way. In fact, in seventeenth-century England, the Puritans and Quakers disagreed over this issue. The Quakers said that they did not need any teachers or in some cases the Bible because they had this anointing within them. They called it the 'inner light' and spoke in terms of the sufficiency of the inner light. The church is currently inundated with those of the mystic, Gnostic and New Ager persuasion, who hold to this belief. These people believe in the sufficiency of the inner light; thus, no personal leadership or external revelations are required. This is not at all what Christ or the Apostles taught.

    The Puritans did not agree with these teachings either. To say that Christians have no need for leadership and guidance suggests a subscription to mysticism, which says that people could bypass seasoned teachers of the faith and have a direct encounter with God by turning inward into themselves. Mysticism means looking within. Mysticism means no body, no structure, no outwardly led objective knowledge of God. The only problem is this has nothing to do with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, it is an Eastern philosophy defunct of God's counsel.

    What about the modern charismatic movement? Does it represent true anointing with the Holy Spirit? Not in some cases. Many leaders and proponents in today’s charismatic movement fall short of serious study or conformity to the Scripture. They heed what is taught them by their mentors verses a genuine comprehension of the the truths in Scripture. Many leaders in today's troubled church revel in written works that are sometimes more occult than Christian. Some people may use the phrases, "The Lord told me," or "It has been revealed to me," or "I had a dream," or "it was revealed by an angel" to validate their positions. You should carefully evaluate the speaker when you hear such statements. Not meaning all are untrue, but false teaching has been part of such claims. Those captive to some of the more deviant departures of sound doctrine are operating under their own persuasions and some may need intercession and admonishment.

    Many of today’s so called prophets gloat as if they are equally inspired as the apostles were and some have a profound following. Do not be deceived by accurate prophesies, whereas we can read of the girl in Acts 16:16 who followed Paul around for days proclaiming truth. The demonic power knew that to gain the respect of the people, it could follow Paul proclaiming him as a messenger (through the girl) so that the people who believed what Paul preached would also believe that the damsel too was of God. Paul finally cast it out for shear annoyance of it's undaunting proclaimations. Familiar Spirits are demonic powers that grant their hosts the ability to know things and give details no one could know. Equally, the Holy Spirit gives to some the miraculous gift of "Knowledge" which is similar. For every Holy gift, there is a counterfeit. The difference is the purpose and the vessel from which a gifting dwells.

    Those who accept false prophets will be equally open to receive deceptions. Do not be ignorant, abiding occult spirits can prophesy accurately to a point and seem as to glorify God as in Acts 16:16. The powers of the air effectively seduce their minion by means of a spiritual trance and elation. Do not be easily seduced by inspiring words that elevates your self-worth or prophesies to emotionally inspire others close to you. Inspiration itself is not the problem, it is the motive that should be examined. The spirit of error seeks to manipulate the emotions, whereas that is its strategy and success. Be ever a fruit checker first, and partaker last. Know the heart of the one proclaiming, for only from a undefiled conscience (purified heart) comes the genuine counsel of God.

    Error always comes wrapped in a thin layer of truth, and oh how sweet it tastes. If it were easy to identify, it would not be called "deception", but rather, error can effectively captivate masses and enslave them fully unaware. Research the Third Reich if you have doubts. Do not be mistaken, the church is much greater trophy for the powers of darkness.

    The partial definition of a trusted teacher is one who leads a holy life, ever seeking union with God the Father in purity and humility. A genuine servant of God will have an air of humility, not seeking their own glory or approval of men. As Moses, they will constantly realize how completely lacking they are, for only such can God's anointing work through, for He will not share his glory with another. The same will not seek the title "teacher" or "prophet" or "healer" but prefer to be unknown. The proud spirit provokes separation and independence and seeks others that think the same; God's Spirit in love seeks out all and refuses none. This partially distinguishes the true spirit anointing from the false.

    Any teacher or person that overemphasizes the Holy Spirit or emotional experiences at the expense of truth should be carefully noted. Emotionalism and ecstatic expressions of the gifts unchecked will always lead to some type of error. The Mormons use this expression, "Do you feel warmth in your bosom?" This warmth supposedly is the validation of the truth of whatever is being taught. It has no relationship to whether something is true or not. This is charismatic confusion, trusting the flesh to verify the Spirit. God always reveals himself in revelation through truth, not by emotion and instinct which is of the fallen nature. Hence, truth is relayed by reverent inspiration, not emotional frenzy.

    We must get back to the Holy Spirit, the chrisma, the holy anointing that dwells in us. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Paraclete, would come in Christ’s name to be with us forever. Just as we need to get back to the Scripture, we must also get back to the Spirit. Just as we must appreciate the Scripture as the very word of God, so also must we appreciate this anointing with the Spirit as the anointing of the living God who dwells in us. How can God's presence dwell in a human being? It is a miracle, and yet it is true. The Holy Spirit dwells in us, making us able and strong, teaching us, guiding us, empowering us, impelling us, and giving us the power we need to live a victorious Christian life.

    The anointing is precious, valuable, and irreplaceable. Protect it, nurture it, seek it, and use it. Stay in the fullness of the perfect will of God, so that His anointing power may flow through you. Let God be God, and be what you are called to be, a servant of Him.


    • #3
      False Charismatic Teachings

      Quite interesting. Such "flesh verification" was recently evidenced at a fellowship I attended where a message was taught on the Holy Spirit and the speaker asked people in the room if their palms were moist and that this "moisture" was a sign of the "anointing". When I realized my hands were not moist, but quite dry, I checked myself with the Lord and He assured me that my relationship with Him in the Spirit and in truth was not and is not based on flesh or the outward man.

      I am so thankful that we have *_IT IS WRITTEN_* to answer satan's queries and accusations rather than any guesswork.


      • #4
        Thank you for replying to my question.
        It seems that what we desire we recieve.
        If we seek truth then we we will find truth.
        If we seek to have our ears tickled then error and deception await us.
        God bless


        • #5
          Superb explanation, Eternal Path! I read it on screen three times and decided I had better print it to keep and share. Sound wisdom! How fortunate for me to have found this forum. What a teacher you are!


          • #6
            Special annointing

            I keep hearing the phrase "special annointing" when listening to old school preachers like Tozer. Any comments on this and how it contrasts/or supplements the typical annointing of the Holy Spirit.


            • #7
              Special Anointing Discussed

              A. W. Tozer used this phrase? I have read most his books and don't recall him using this phrase? The phrase "Special Anointing" is commonly a charismatic term used in off-tangent ministries. In its correct use, I have always understood it to mean either one who is expressly gifted in a certain area or a Christian who is indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Not that that person is exclusively anointed as Elijah was, although modern false prophets overly use this terminology with personal appointments.

              Kenneth E. Hagin for example, alleges to have has a personal meeting with the resurrected Christ. In this encounter (he claims to have had eight such meetings), Jesus lays His hands on him and personally ordained him into the healing ministry. Not only does Jesus ordain Hagin, He then equips Kenneth a "Special Anointing." This anointing is so special, it is not found anywhere in the Bible. William Branham and Oral Roberts also made similar claims.

              “And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ [Anointed]; and shall deceive many. ” Mark 13:5-6

              The only time the word "special" is used in the New Testament is in relation to the special miracles that God wrought by the hands of the apostle Paul in Acts 19:11. They were unique one time occurrences. From the Biblical record this was the only time something like this happened in the ministry of Paul, much like Peter's casting shadow in Acts 5:15. Secondly, it is important to note that the account in Acts 19:11 does not refer to the anointing at all. It says God rendered special miracles, not, God gave Paul a special anointing.

              Marilyn Hickey is well known to use this favorite buzz word of the mystical initiated. She promoted an article in the magazine "Outpouring" that encouraged people to send in at least $15.00 for a small metal vial which had supernaturally charged anointing oil. She claimed to had personally prayed over it with a "Special Anointing" to fix relationships, financial difficulty, and a small list of commonly listed prayer needs. This is one of many shameless gimmicks which are geared towards gaining money from the gullible and desperate.

              God’s desire for his people is not the seeking of the "spectacular and exciting" as false prophet offer. God wants us to seek the complete indwelling of Jesus - not some special power or impartation. Equally, God wants our revelations to come from him, not from a "special impartation" via a traveling prophet as is common among the Charismatic camps. It is wise advise not to go forward at any gathering to receive an "impartation" or "special anointing" from those who claim special gifting. Many who have done so have later found that what they received was a malevolent spirit that was not of God.

              A New Testament Christian is indeed anointed, not with literal oil, but by the Spirit of God—an anointing that sets him apart for his ministry as one of God's priests (1 Peter 2:5, 9). It is not necessary for us to pray for "an anointing of the Spirit"; if we are a Christian, we have already received this special anointing. This anointing "abides in us" and therefore does not need to be imparted to us. The anointing (the Holy Spirit) abides in us, and we should abide in the Spirit (1 John 2:27). As we abide in the Word and in the Spirit, we also abide in Christ (1 John 2:28).


              • #8

                I think that I might have my phrases mixed up a bit since it has been a while since I listened to Tozer.

                We are all annointed with the Holy Spirit because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Right? But this is considered a baptism in the Holy Spirit.

                Is there more to the picture though? In Acts the disciples were further annointed with tongues of fire, and they had accepted Jesus as their personal savior long before that.


                • #9
                  Filled with the Holy Spirit

                  I believe the phrase that Tozer used was "Filled with the Holy Spirit", and he states that this is much different than being baptized by the Holy Spirit. Here is the sermon in which I was referrring:

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