What is sinning against the Holy Spirit?



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  • What is sinning against the Holy Spirit?

    Can a Christian still sin against the Holy Spirit? I know Jesus said whoever sinned against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Sometimes when the devil attacks my mind he will cause me to think that I had sinned against the Holy Spirit. One time the devil wanted me to think that he is mightier. But Jesus said he who is in me is greater then he who is in the world. I am terrified that I might had sinned against the Holy Spirit. A friend of mine said that you couldn't sinned against the Holy Spirit even if you tried. I had prayed to the Lord that if I DID sinned against the Holy Spirit for him to kill me or cure me because I can't live without him. He is the only one that I could live for. Without him in my life, my life is meaningless and worthless.

  • #2
    Not Something to Worry About...

    Well, based upon your thoughts submitted, I don’t think you need to burden your mind with worry about whether you are sealed with the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is residing and you are in concert with Him, you will be as you outlined, enamored with Christ constantly… daily. Don’t kid yourself, the “Christ is All” honeymoon will wear off in time, but it doesn’t have to if properly groomed. Your passion is typical of a new and genuine convert. Be excited and bask in the zeal as much as you can! Remain abhorred by sin, this is good and a desirable state of heart. Praise God!

    The only way to sin against the Holy Spirit, is to profess that something Christ did was of the Devil. Meaning, when anyone on earth would say the work or a deed of Christ was actually the empowerment of Satan and evil. As one theologian put it, no one can actually do this now, whereas this warning was specifically for a time when Christ was still dwelling among us. However, if it was possible, another teacher said, if you worry that you have committed the unpardonable sin, then you haven’t. A soul would have to be very unholy to conceivably aspire to calling something clearly of God authored by Satan. One of those theological matters I would not expend a great deal of worry over.


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