Clarifying the Meaning of Candle Stick Removed



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  • Clarifying the Meaning of Candle Stick Removed

    I had made mention of the phrase “Candle Stick being Removed” and it was thought I meant the Holy Spirit is removed from a church, fellowship or person. I am providing a little more thought behind that statement to clarify the meaning. The concept of the “Candle Stick being Removed” comes from the letters to the seven churches in Revelations.

    “…or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Revelations 2:5)

    The removal refers to when a people become stubborn, sinful or who betray the truth in error. It rarely happens suddenly, whereas we are seduced by destructive persuasions gradually. This is the reason the New Age, worldly methods and psychology has had such success contaminating the church. It has taken a number of years, but the presence can be seen proliferating everywhere.

    This “candle is God’s supernatural illumination of His will and purpose, giving clear sight to the leadership and those involved. God will certainly not remove our seal of salvation, but we can by an act of our own will, turn aside from the path set before us and cause the Holy Spirit to be grieved or quenched. In this, a church, fellowship or a person may indeed lose their anointing or calling but not their salvation unless they CHOOSE to be a castaway.

    A Christian can observe this phenomenon without much discernment required. For example, when a once vibrant body becomes stagnant, or simply going thru the motions or lacking spiritual edification. It may even go well with a backslidden church at a certain level ongoing, but they will lose the potential they once were given, maybe entirely. A church not seeking God’s will is not a threat to darkness—it is not attacked or challenged. We are taught that if we cannot be faithful in the small things, God will not bestow upon us a great calling. The Holy Spirit will never force us to listen to His voice, but the end will equal the path chosen.

    We cannot become fixated with what others chose to do, because each must give a personal account. Not saying that we should not care or seek to illuminate, but in caring and revealing, don’t expect a great deal of acceptance. What becomes paramount in this is that “we” remain steadfast and not be found deserting our calling. This is not a selfish ambition, whereas if we are in proper fellowship, our lights will shine so before others as to guide them onto the path towards Christ. Our highest calling is to be a light in the darkness, a salt unto the world, a hope to those around us. However, this is impossible if our hearts are not fixed on the will of the Father through Christ Jesus.

  • #2
    Discernment of spirits is indeed difficult. Some learn/teach from the mind, some learn/teach from the heart. What is the truth? How do we know that a location, vision, calling or simple “feeling” can be from goodness or from evil? How does one come to know the will of God when there is so much tension within one’s soul? The light is removed from each of us when we sin, or it diminishes and becomes dim when we turn away from the face of God. Several of your recent posts have been resonating within me.

    It is important that we have someone, or some earthly body of Christ to help us discern in our own hearts, in our own time simply because we all are at a different place within this place, longing for our eternal reward. Matthew Chapters 5-7 does help show us just how difficult our journey is. We cannot deny what The Christ taught, yet many people find it much easier to pick and choose just how “they” believe they might be saved. The Christ man/God told us most of everything about social justice in those three chapters. We cannot say we are the religious right, or moral majority, or Catholic, or anything and pick and choose our personal agenda. There is but one agenda. Any word that means anything, means nothing at all. He is the Way, Truth, Life. God does not remove the candle stick from us, we simply choose to turn off that light because we love our passions more than His Passion. Rev 2:4 explains that ‘you (I) have lost that Love’. God never removes His love, we simply turn away. Our choice. To live we cannot choose. To live we must humbly obey His Love. Tough love takes on another dimension does it not?
    Also known historically as St. Clair Glass


    • #3
      Amen brother Joe. Great response!!!!

      I have found that when I genuinely walk in His counsel, I have clear and nearly immediate revelation of any given matter inasmuch as I am involved, meaning, I won’t begin to second-guess a person’s personal call. However, those who are nurtured unto maturity no longer need to be taught of man, for the Spirit will lead us into truth. Jesus said, ‘When he, the Spirit of truth. has come, he will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is truth essentially in himself, and he is the one who leads the church into all truth.

      The Holy Spirit’s work is not to lead us into all historical, geographical, astronomical and mathematical truth. The Holy Spirit is to lead us into all truth concerning the mysteries of the kingdom of God, of the gospel, of the counsel of God about the salvation of the church by Christ (Acts 20:27). The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth necessary for faith and obedience (Acts 20:21). Each believer is led into all the truth necessary to his own state and condition, to enable him to do his duty and work (Eph. 4:7). Christ gives to each according to his measure and needs.

      So it is the internal teaching of the Holy Spirit, giving an understanding of the mind of God and of all revealed sacred truths, which is intended. It is the same as the promise, ‘They shall all be taught of God’ (John 6:45), for this is how we are taught of God, and in no other way. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth by giving us that understanding of it which we ourselves are not able to arrive at (see Acts 8:31). All spiritual, divine, supernatural truth is revealed through revelation in Scripture. To come to know and to rightly understand this truth in Scripture is the duty of all whose course is the proceed in Godly counsel. To make this possible the Holy Spirit is promised to them. Of ourselves, without his special assistance and guidance we cannot arrive at a true knowledge or a right understanding of the truth revealed in Scripture. My understanding at this juncture in life

      I agree that accountability is absolutely essential—an earthly agent representing the spiritual kingdom. We cannot trust in our own reasoning or power of interpretation alone, but as Proverbs direct, establish the counsel of two or three wise men, spiritually discerning men of godly character. That each may in turn edify and aid by counsel, the walk of each other. I can look back and see the stumble marks from my path, how much I would have benefitted from having such counsel ongoing. But alas, at times I find little or no such counsel, and often fretted in the mutterings of my limited capacities. Not the case over the last 5 years or so, thank goodness, but still, I could do better in this area if I was more attentive.


      • #4
        Your response was very impressive Eternal Path, thanks for sharing with me these commentaries. I enjoy reading them and am often blessed by them. I know you served as a pastor a while back, did you go to seminary? I ask because my classes will begin in 3 months; I am very excited however my writing style is nowhere near the level to which you write. Though I did manage to obtain a master's degree.


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