"Why is it that in our day repentance, and the preparation that leads to it, are widely neglected, while faith is over-emphasized? Those who profess faith are quickly assured of their salvation without waiting to see if their profession is attested by 'works appropriate to repentance' which we find in Acts 26:20? Almost always superficiality is the result...when the church dogmatically assures all who make a profession of faith that they are saved, before they see credible evidence of faith, they create a congregation of cardboard saints, but more than that, many walk out the doors, believing they are saved by a repeated prayer and return to their sin...destined to hell." ~ M. Lamb
I think it is in part due to insensitivity to sin for being in love with the world and its enticements, e.g. not truly converted. Anyone who has been a genuinely transformed Christian for any time recognizes that when they are walking in the Spirit, their sensitivity to the sin nature is enhanced. Repentance is always on the lips as an ongoing persuasion to retain a thriving spiritual connection. Saying this to arrive at a point, where many leaders in our post-modern Church are no less the same, insensitive to sin. Therefore a large percentage of clergy confirm a Christian by profession of identity with a church, not by proof of transformation via a changed heart.
Example, my wife and I have frequented churches where there is little difference in the attendees than people of the world. They go to worldly entertainment events, pagan concerts, certain sports events, bars, worldly movies, you name it, without any comprehension of "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 2 Cor. 6:17 (Isaiah 52:11). That is, from among idolaters and unbelievers; from a frivolous and pleasure seeking world. A solemn call which God instructs us to leave the place of our former indulgence among the world, to come out from among the idolaters of that city and to enter into the promise. Babylon, in the Scriptures, is a symbol of whatever is proud, arrogant, wicked, and opposed to God; and Paul, therefore, applies the words here with great force to illustrate the duty of Christians in separating themselves from a vain, idolatrous, and wicked world. And be ye separate - Separate from the world, and all its corrupting influences. Yes, this means we are no longer obsessed with worldly pursuits and pleasures. If we are Spirit filled, like Christ was, we will ache to serve the Lord in and out of season, our life FULLY is dedicated to Him.
Previous of that in verse 14, Paul writes, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." How is that any Christian can unwontedly carouse with unbelievers as choice friends and expect to remain loyal to the Spirit within? The flesh is mighty in its beckoning, and association with darkness will have the strongest of will bent upon their knees, submitting to the flesh as if not even saved. While Christians are to be a witness to the world in holiness, we are not to remain conjoined with it or its occupants. A division many have a hard time comprehending, as Paul even had to address it again in 1 Corinthians 5:9-12 for misinterpretation among the believers.
When we confess Christ, we become as aliens, or as St. Peter penned in 1 Peter 2:11, "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul." This is all essentially foreign to the modern church, that persuades its minions to seek community verses righteousness via the emergent church apostasy. Many may have the head knowledge of what Scripture teaches, but lack the ability (relationship with Christ through the Spirit) much less the desire to walk in submission to a way that is opposition to the persuasion of flesh. One reason the U.S. is currently labeled "post-Christian" where there is little vestige of Christ-life remaining in it. Hope this all makes sense
I think it is in part due to insensitivity to sin for being in love with the world and its enticements, e.g. not truly converted. Anyone who has been a genuinely transformed Christian for any time recognizes that when they are walking in the Spirit, their sensitivity to the sin nature is enhanced. Repentance is always on the lips as an ongoing persuasion to retain a thriving spiritual connection. Saying this to arrive at a point, where many leaders in our post-modern Church are no less the same, insensitive to sin. Therefore a large percentage of clergy confirm a Christian by profession of identity with a church, not by proof of transformation via a changed heart.
Example, my wife and I have frequented churches where there is little difference in the attendees than people of the world. They go to worldly entertainment events, pagan concerts, certain sports events, bars, worldly movies, you name it, without any comprehension of "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 2 Cor. 6:17 (Isaiah 52:11). That is, from among idolaters and unbelievers; from a frivolous and pleasure seeking world. A solemn call which God instructs us to leave the place of our former indulgence among the world, to come out from among the idolaters of that city and to enter into the promise. Babylon, in the Scriptures, is a symbol of whatever is proud, arrogant, wicked, and opposed to God; and Paul, therefore, applies the words here with great force to illustrate the duty of Christians in separating themselves from a vain, idolatrous, and wicked world. And be ye separate - Separate from the world, and all its corrupting influences. Yes, this means we are no longer obsessed with worldly pursuits and pleasures. If we are Spirit filled, like Christ was, we will ache to serve the Lord in and out of season, our life FULLY is dedicated to Him.
Previous of that in verse 14, Paul writes, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." How is that any Christian can unwontedly carouse with unbelievers as choice friends and expect to remain loyal to the Spirit within? The flesh is mighty in its beckoning, and association with darkness will have the strongest of will bent upon their knees, submitting to the flesh as if not even saved. While Christians are to be a witness to the world in holiness, we are not to remain conjoined with it or its occupants. A division many have a hard time comprehending, as Paul even had to address it again in 1 Corinthians 5:9-12 for misinterpretation among the believers.
When we confess Christ, we become as aliens, or as St. Peter penned in 1 Peter 2:11, "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul." This is all essentially foreign to the modern church, that persuades its minions to seek community verses righteousness via the emergent church apostasy. Many may have the head knowledge of what Scripture teaches, but lack the ability (relationship with Christ through the Spirit) much less the desire to walk in submission to a way that is opposition to the persuasion of flesh. One reason the U.S. is currently labeled "post-Christian" where there is little vestige of Christ-life remaining in it. Hope this all makes sense