The Social Justice Movement



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  • The Social Justice Movement

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ID:	1681A tough subject greatly misunderstood is Social Justice. There is a strong Social Justice Movement seeping into churches everywhere and clarity should be given.

    I am having a conversation with a dear brother who is an aggressive advocate for the teaching promoted by men such as Martin Luther King. The brother wrote: "Reflecting on Dr. King... Nearly 50 years later, the same problems that he spoke of remain- Racism, Poverty, and Militarism! In 1967, Dr. King also spoke of '2 Americas'- 1 'America' that was the 'land of plenty' for some (middle and upper-income whites), and a 2nd 'America' that oppressed blacks and poor whites for the benefit of the 1st 'America'. If you are a beneficiary of the 1st 'America', what are you going to do moving forward from today to work toward equity for all? Will you stay in your place of comfort, privilege, and/or denial? Or, will you go out and learn about the plight of others to see how you can use your gifts, talents, and assets to enable others to live a life of dignity? What would our world look like if we really did 'love others as ourselves'? Sure- that is an ideal statement- but one to follow, nonetheless."

    It sounds biblical doesn't it? At least by today's standards, this is basically the understanding of many Christians caught up in revisionist spirituality. One has to be careful of promoting Social Justice over The Christian Message. Martin Luther King was driven by the Black Economic Justice Agenda, Jesus' commission and life message was anything but striving for societal equality among race or classes. The social justice concept has taken root largely because we have become a lawless people, who no longer believe in right and wrong and personal responsibility thus no punishment or consequences is needed. Social Justice text books are about the oppressed and the oppressor, a type of class warfare that pits the rich against the poor and the powerful against the powerless. Social Justice also calls “for living in community,” which sounds beautiful. But why does it sound similar to the concept of living in a commune, a collective, or as in Communism or in Nazism, a world community where everyone has all things in common? It is easy to see why God sees social justice as idolatry. And because it replaces God in society, God hates it. And sadly, those that have embraced social justice end up hating true Christianity. It is no wonder why nations like Russia, China, Cuba and Hitler’s Germany and now the U.S. who have sought to redistribute wealth through government always end up persecuting Christians and Jews. This is because their philosophies are based on atheism and a worship of man (or the earth).

    The Good Samaritan parable is often used as proof text by social justice advocates, but that is not what that text was about. Providing for someone in need is not social justice, but love. The Good Samaritan in Jesus’ parable found the man wounded and robbed by thieves along the road (Luke 10:30-37). He demonstrated compassion toward the victim of a crime, not because he was socially, or financially disadvantaged, but because he was simply a “neighbor” in need. The Good Samaritan didn’t collect money from the Roman government or the synagogue, he got involved himself. Charity has empathy for those in need and is willing to share, comfort and care for a person. It demonstrates God’s love from person to person. Just like we do through Messiah Missions International on a weekly basis.

    The widows mite is the definitive argument against social justice: Mark 12:41-44 "Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury;" for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood." Here we have someone who is very poor giving to the temple. The woman gave not to specific humanitarian efforts, not to help the poor but to support God and His work. Jesus says she gave more than the rich men who were present because she had little and still gave. The widow’s story refutes the idea that the Bible teaches social justice. If it did, she would be the recipient, not the giver. And it would be given to the Roman government not the temple treasury.

    The meaning the Christian socialists give to “Charity” is concealed behind new definitions. Social justice is a legal way to enforce governmental control over people. Social justice (religious or political) by progressive democrats (socialists) means taking money from those that work to give to those that don’t. Charity is a voluntary giving to help those we choose, we are often personally involved. Compassion for the poor does not mean we allow the government to control what, how and when we give. Is social justice at the heart of the gospel as advocates claim such as Martin Luther? Not even remotely. Social justice will one day be overruled by divine justice, which will bring genuine justice to all.

    Jim Wallis recently said: “Christians across the theological and political spectrum believe that social justice is central to the teachings of Jesus and at the heart of biblical faith.” Actually, not only is there no consensus on this issue, but in fact, Jesus did not speak of such a concept as it is misunderstood today. Further, Jesus said that there would be false teachers coming in his name. Paul steered future Christians against heresy by writing: “Therefore, Brethren, stand fast, and hold to the traditions which ye have been taught” II Thessalonians 2:15. While any Christian can agree that the first Christians held all things in common and virtually forbade owning any personal property, we find no mention that a theocracy should be established by Christians to enforce this socialism on others. And those who insist that Christian socialism must be enforced by political means are in fact endorsing theocracy.”

    We are not commissioned to transform society and make sure everything is equal like Martin Luther King promoted and is exonerated for. We are called to rehabilitate sinners by the power of God, not government. The gospel is the cure for sin and it has absolutely nothing to do with “social justice." God is not interested in giving everyone an equal share; he wants to bless those that love him. And he wants those that are blessed by him to extend mercy and bless others generously and willingly with love in their heart.

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