Does David's Dancing Mean We Should Dance?



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  • Does David's Dancing Mean We Should Dance?

    "And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." 2 Samuel 6:14

    As with multiple proof doctrines to support inaccurate meaning, this Scripture is sometimes used to reveal to others that there is something wrong with their spiritual life if they do not dance during worship. Dancing as a form of worship to the true God has a long Jewish history. It dates at least back to the Israelite exodus from Egypt, when Miriam, the sister of Moses, led some of the women of Israel in dance (Exodus 15:20). However, we should ask ourselves, just because David danced, does it mean that Christians are to dance as a form of worship?

    As we look back on the story in 2nd Samuel, we read the first attempt to transport the Ark to Jerusalem ends in disaster. David is described as a man overcome with joy as he sees the ox-cart carrying the Ark approaching Jerusalem. But like most of the events in David’s life, his joy is short lived. Without warning, the cart lurches forward and the Ark is almost catapulted from the cart. Uzzah, who is walking alongside the cart, saves the day by catching the Ark as it tilts toward the ground. What seems like the right thing to do, however, spells disaster. It’s as if Uzzah has grabbed a high voltage power line. His body jerks and winces and flails, and he drops dead on the spot.

    David’s first celebration of the ark was motivated by pride. He decided to transport the ark his own way, whereas he did not ask God. God struck Uzzah down because of his irreverence. David is enraged. How can God purposely allow something bad to occur during his parade? But David’s rage quickly turns to fear. He wonders, “How can the Ark come to me?” Hearing no answer, he is afraid to continue the parade and abandons the Ark to the nearest house, the home of Obededom. Fearful and disheartened David returns home. The Ark remains with Obededom for three months. But during the time the Ark is with Obededom, Obededom’s house is blessed. His crops exceed expectations. His livestock flourish. His children prosper. David takes note and the extravagance poured out on Obededom’s house gives David new confidence to resume the parade.

    This time the Ark is carried on poles, the prescribed way, rather than on a cart. And this time David proceeds with caution, making sacrifices along the way. But then David does the unexpected—he removes his royal regalia and dons the more humble attire of a linen ephod, the clothing of a priest. These changes make all the difference in the world. The once tentative celebration now takes off in exuberance and unexcelled joy. Caught up in the excitement, David dances with abandon. Everything he has dreamed of is finally coming true. David is overcome with joy, and he is no longer watching the parade; he is leading the parade—leaping and dancing and showing a side of himself that the public never sees.

    I think it prudent that we notice that David was not in the Tabernacle when he danced. Neither was Miriam afore mentioned in Exodus 15:20. Dancing was a Jewish worship tradition, not necessarily a New Testament Christian manifestation. Also note that David was not in the “right” during this time because he should not have been wearing a Levitical priestly item like the ephod. This was a priest’s garment to be worn in the Tabernacle – David was from the tribe of Judah, not Levi! This could have part of the reason Michal looked on him with such hatred. He was being hypocritical in his worship and position. We are not necessarily told that it was right for him to be dancing or wearing an ephod, it is just recorded that this is what happened. Michal had been removed from her husband who loved her and wept when she was taken away (II Samuel 3), only to be added to David’s harem of other wives (II Samuel 5:13). And yet the kings were commanded in Deuteronomy 17:17 “Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away.” David was in disobedient to God in this area.

    Unfortunately, biblical interpreters and preachers more often try to protect David’s reputation by not encouraging us to see the whole picture of this man. I ask why wouldn’t we find it reassuring that the King of Israel was more often a royal disappointment than a faithful servant? Can’t we handle that our leaders are fully human, given to privation as we are?

    The point that might be considered is that just because a person acts in a certain manner in the Bible, that might seem like worship, does not necessarily mean that it is ideal action for ourselves today. And many times in Scripture, conduct recorded was not during a season of rightness before God. David had good intent when he tried to bring the ark the first time, he simply did it the wrong way. Sometimes we want so badly to do something for God (like worship) that we can find ourselves pursuing it in the flesh.

    A Short Study on Dancing as Worship During the Current Dispensation

    I personally have a number of friends in Christian ministry who encourage worship dance as a New Testament truth. Some even create a specific “praise dance ministry” in their churches. These are good leaders, and I genuinely respect the sincerity of their beliefs on this subject. However, in the light of the Scriptures, I do not share their conclusion that dancing in church is a biblical worship form taught in the Bible for New Testament believers. We can draw from Scripture that dancing was valid in certain well-defined contexts in the Old Testament, but it was by no means considered — either by Jesus or the apostles for either the early church or the 21st-century church — to be carried over into the New Testament as a form of worship.

    In the New International Version (NIV), there are 27 references in the whole Bible to the word dance only five are in the New Testament. And all of those were in non-church contexts in the first three Gospels. None of them has anything to do with worship or anything religious. The concept of a "dance ministry" is foreign to the New Testament record. Similarly, the waving of praise and worship flags has no mention in the New Testament.

    Jesus spoke of a change of worship from the physical to the spiritual. In the Old Testament, worship was largely physical, often with geographical requirements as to where proper worship was to be offered. I mentioned earlier the physical ark, the physical tent that David pitched, the physical burnt offerings before that tent. There came later the physical temple in Jerusalem, to which the faithful made three annual pilgrimages to worship. Fully cognizant of these things in the religion of Israel, Jesus said, “A time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:21-24).

    This is of critical importance. Jesus was intimately familiar with the Aaronic priesthood of the Old Testament and all its forms of worship: music, offerings, tents, temples. Jesus’ statement was addressed to a Samaritan woman. The Samaritans had their roots in Judaism, but had blended other things into it. Jesus told her that worship was not to be on a mountain (a physical place) or in Jerusalem (again, a physical place). That is the way she would have understood worship. Jesus said, “A time is coming...” That speaks of change. Then he spoke of leaving her mountain, where worship was partially idolatrous, as well as leaving Jerusalem, a place of worship which had been established by God in the Bible. Three times a year all the males went to Jerusalem: at the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. But Jesus spoke of major change in the next few sentences, a change to what he called true worship, which He referred to as “in spirit.” If you search the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi, you will not find a verse that speaks of worshiping “in spirit.” It is an entirely new thought introduced by Jesus.

    The church is in an evangelistic dispensation. Israel of the Old Testament was not. Israel was not essentially concerned with winning souls. In fact, most Israelites in Old Testament days avoided Gentiles entirely. By contrast, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15) is central to Christianity. The New Testament emphasis on evangelism to all peoples is critically different from that of the Israelites prior to the cross.

    The apostle Paul charged, “Make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way…” (Romans 14:13,19-21). Dancing in the church would be a serious stumbling block or obstacle to many Christian brothers and sisters, as well as to many unbelievers who might be in the process of coming to the Lord. Much the same way charasmatic abuse tongues at the peril of new believers or onlookers, causing them to be cast aside from the faith due to the madness perceived. We are in a evangelistic dispensation of time, in which every person who comes into the church must be taken into consideration.

    The progression of the Bible is from the natural to the spiritual. “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual” (1 Corinthians 15:46). Some of the various physical forms of worship used in the Old Testament dispensation: animal sacrifices; temples; altars; a selective, exclusive priesthood; appointed singers. We no longer sacrifice animals, for “Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (1 Corinthians 5:7). Now we “offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name” (Hebrews 13:15), among other spiritual sacrifices. God no longer dwells in a physical temple, for now “we are the temple of the living God” (2 Corinthians 6:16). We no longer need certain men appointed as priests, for now Jesus “has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father” (Revelation 1:6). We no longer relegate the music ministry to selectively appointed, special singers, for now we all are enjoined to “sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). The transition of the Bible is continually pressing from the natural to the spiritual. I conclude that this principle is one more reason why there is no Bible record of praise dance or worship dance practiced as a praise and worship form by the New Testament church.

    Dancing as worship is not among the many great rediscoveries being made of biblical truths that had been lost since the time of the early church. The apostle Peter spoke of being established in “present truth” (2 Peter 1:12, KJV). I understand, both from Scripture and from history, that important truths which were lost over the Dark Ages and Middle Ages have been restored to the church. Even such fundamental truths as salvation by grace through faith and baptism by immersion in water were lost and then restored. More recently, the truth of the mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit with the accompanying gifts of the Holy Spirit has been restored to the church, together with such doctrines as the laying on of hands, the fivefold ministry, and the church’s call as the bride of Christ. These topics of restoration were all commonly taught in the New Testament. Dancing as worship was not. By contrast to these genuine restored truths, praise and worship dance is nowhere included in the biblical record of the practice, preaching, or teaching of the early church. It is an error to include praise dance in the godly list of biblical truths that are correctly being restored to the church, for the New Testament is devoid of such a revelation concerning dancing as worship.

    The teaching that attempts to bring the literal practice of praise dancing over into the New Testament on the basis of the tabernacle/tent of David is inconsistent in leaving behind in the Old Testament the literal ark, the tent itself, and the physical burnt offerings made by David and by Solomon again years later. What is the basis for bringing one of these literal practices (David’s dancing in the streets) forward to the church and leaving the rest behind? The answer I suggest from the New Testament’s utter silence on praise and worship dancing, is that none of those literal practices was to be brought forward to the church. Jesus and the apostles are not recorded as ever dancing or encouraging it. It would be a extraordinary oversight on the part of God to leave out of all 27 New Testament books such a key end-time truth (as praise dance is considered by some to be) while including extensive New Testament instruction concerning other key truths.

    When you further review the moral constructs, it is very difficult if not impossible to dance modestly. I have been in churches where people dance by jumping up and down vertically. This is conducive to immodesty, and especially so among women. That reason alone should bring great inhibition to dancing in church. It suggests, perhaps, a reason why the women of Israel often drew apart from the men when they danced.

    There is no indication in Scripture that the people of God will dance before the Lord in heaven. I draw that conclusion from Scriptural silence, which is not always an infallible principle for biblical interpretation. However, the silence in this case is quite extensive and persuasive. Many scenes of heavenly worship are included in the Bible, especially in the Revelation, and they include many illustrations of the redeemed worshiping God in many ways. But they include no instances or references to praise dancing in those worship contexts.

    Today's hyper-emotionalism gets in the way of proper evangelism. The Pentecostal and Apostolic denominations are notorious for emotionalism, getting caught up in sensationalism, allowing the flesh to rise above the Spirit by means of seeking or trusting a physical experience as a spiritual marker. Being Pentecostal teaches the second blessing of the Holy Spirit with its emotionalism and multiple ecstatic manufestations. Charismatic also teaches the second blessing of the Holy Spirit, but does not typically require a sign of one's conversion by manfestation.

    It has been said that whenever emotionalism is provoked in worship, error abounds. While emotional experiences do release endogenous opioid peptides as to create a sense of spirtual elation, the experience is short lived, and normally results in apathy and possibly depression later. Peptides provide opiate activity that are derived from "endorphins", which once decreased, result in the opposite effect, feeling down and despaired. Therefore the emotionally induced person will need to seek greater and repeated experiences, which in effect becomes an addiction to one’s own chemistry. In contrast, a genuine spiritual touch is sometimes not even noted at the time. Unlike emotional stimuli that is chemically induced, a spiritual encounter is deep and internal, resulting in lasting change less the negative physical effects.

    The most binding of powers is the rule of tradition, which normally triumphs over truth, often assuring a person remain loyal to their traditional fixations for a lifetime. Let's say we are raised in a home that is indoctrinated by an unorthodox church, whose family are strict adherents and who point out that other ways are error. Such is a cult mindset, and is not uncommon in even orthodox settings. Instead, the awakened soul must chance being different, instead seeking to worship God like HE wants to be worshiped, not how our peer group or family does it. We also have to be honest and evaluate if we are trusting in our emotions to stimulate us toward a psuedo spiritual experience. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).

    In closing, I must quote 1 Kings 19:12-13 “The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” The Spirit of God was not in the noise, clamor and chaotic physical expressions. The Spirit of the Lord resides in the quiet still voice who speaks to our hearts today. It is in the reverence of worship, the piety and quiet, that the Lord is manifest. It is in the outstretched arms of adoration, gratitude and holy praise that we are to manifest our love for Him. I pray the Lord guide you in your understanding of these truths presented.

  • #2
    These modern churches are not dancing as David danced. I dont think they would want to, as david was nearly naked. 2 Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod."

    The problem is in the modern churches today, it seems everything is taken out of context and is often under a spirit of confusion. Many are unable to allow the Spirit to be the teacher for being taught of man by example and doctrine. So few are willing to step back and examine, is this of God or the teachings of man?


    • #3
      My simple reply is that our Heavenly Father loves pure worship.... so, HE knows the heart and some dance is absolutely pure worship.

      Our heart responding to the heart of God.



      • #4
        Thank you. This article was of particular interest to me. Living in New York City, with ART being a major subject and pursuit, and the typical New York expansion of views and opinions that make up any large and international city.

        This article "Does David's Dancing Mean We should Dance?" confirmed my own private questioning and personal views as a ministry leader in NYC, I appreciate the thought, research, and careful way the content was presented.

        Some time ago, as I searched His Word on the subject of Worship, I came to the following conclusion:

        Christians of our day find it easier to submit and conform to Old Testament patterns of worship than those prescribed and lived out for us in the New Testament. It is easier to do things physically and emotionally that are visible and can be done by any of us, that to follow New Testament teaching. This is not only found in dancing, but in marching, clapping, banners, decorations in the worship places. This could include many other things that can be conformed to outwardly behavior without cost or commitment.

        Over a year ago, I was in attendance at a very large gathering of pastors and leaders. During the "worship" time a young woman walked into the large auditorium, took a place about two rows ahead of me, remained standing because we were all standing, and immediately proceeded to exhibit physical girations that anyone who has come out of the world (like myselft), recognizes. During that same worship meeting, a pastor whom I knew casually walked past me and asked, "Are you having fun?" Frankly, I felt so distressed, I could hardly breathe.

        One day in my research on worship in the New Testament, I hit on Romans me a clear New Testament definition of Worship: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God---this is your spiritual act of worship. In my thoughts I was reminded that the early church met in homes, on hills, in catacombs...not in temples made with hands.

        Physical submission is a costly worship and the calling of all of us who are a part of His Church. The only worship that will bring people to Him, the worship patterned after the Cross and our Lord's sacrifice... the worship that, in my view, exalts our King.

        Blessings Today,
        Lois Ewald, New York City


        • #5
          The article... it's so instructive and clear, to say the least.

          Really, it's so healthy to acknowledge that sometimes our leaders make mistakes, instead of looking up to them as if they were God himself at times. We need to realize that we must think for ourselves and not serve mindlessly or behave as chameleons.

          I so agree with all you wrote. In regard to dancing teams or music ministries. I've grown up understanding that worship is made for all of us to rejoice in singing and sharing the gifts we've been given. The only dance I've been exposed to in my Pentacostal church is that of one person who usually walks, dances or runs around purportedly in the Spirit of the Lord. Sometimes speaking in tongues, but usually singing for the Lord in our own Spanish tongue. These manifestations are seen occasionally in my church. However, most our meetings are calm and very solemn... reverent as you say. We do accept dancing as one of many possible gifts believers can have, but not essential to salvation.

          I do recognize that our church has been following too much tradition and we have found ourselves doing things without our heart in it. But of course I still like it more than any of the other loud rock-band and dancing team Pentecostal churches.

          But the Lord has been speaking to us about this lately, so much... so I'm hopeful that we are waking up. He is great and so loving and we know that He desires everyone comes to understand His heart - that we love Him in Spirit and in truth, not trusting in the traditions of religion, but in His grace only.

          I enjoyed this article so much I can't believe it. It was so clear and to the point and I understood everything. I'm surprised at myself :P


          • #6
            SERay, I'm grateful that you took the time to present your views on this subject, and I'd like to offer a reply that offers a different perspective.

            I will try to present my own conclusions in a later post, but I would initially like to reply to yours. You have made a number of points that don't stand up to close scrutiny and I think it's important to address their shortcomings. In this first comment, I'll respond to the first part of your article, specifically the paragraphs up to "A Short Study on Dancing as Worship During the Current Dispensation".

            You begin by questioning the use of a single proof text to argue for dance in worship, and I completely agree with you. I have come across similar statements myself, and my own studies were partly motivated by the low level of scholarship amongst proponents of dance. I'm sure we'll be in agreement when I say that a far more considered approach is needed if we want to learn what the bible says about any subject.

            It was therefore somewhat ironic to observe three examples of inaccurate exegesis right at the start of your article.

            In the first paragraph you say that Miriam "led some of the women of Israel in dance". But Exodus 15:20 says, "Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing." I can’t help noticing that you changed the "all" in Exodus to "some".

            In the second paragraph, you write, "It's as if Uzzah has grabbed a high voltage power line. His body jerks and winces and flails". There is nothing whatsoever in the accounts of 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 13 to suggest this. For all we know, he may have just dropped dead in an unspectacular fashion. Unless I’ve missed something, you are putting words into the Bible that are simply not there.

            In the fourth paragraph, you also make unsubstantiated claims. You say that David puts on the linen ephod part-way through the procession and this causes the celebrations to take off. There is no textual support for either of those views - you’re just speculating.

            Now, the above issues are not directly relevant to the question in hand, but there is an important principle at stake. Bible study has to be done in a careful and thorough manner, or we are likely to mislead ourselves.

            So let me now respond to your more important points.

            In two places you say that dance in worship is a Jewish concept and suggest that Christian practices may well differ. But is this the right approach to take? Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and His Bible was what we call the Old Testament, which is not actually a very good name for it. I don’t believe Jesus came to start a new religion called Christianity. Read what He said in Matthew 5:17. The first followers of Jesus were considered a Jewish sect. The split away from the Jewish community happened in the post-biblical period, and this led to the development of Christian beliefs and practices that were markedly different to those held by Jesus and the apostles. The consequences of that split are still felt today, in the traditions and understanding of the faith that we have inherited. What we should really be asking is why we have chosen to largely ignore two-thirds of God’s word. Our God defines himself as the God of Israel, and He doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6). Why are we treating dancing differently to singing, another "Old Testament" practice?

            You mention that David and Miriam were not in the tabernacle when they danced. Whilst this is true (but the tabernacle didn't exist at the crossing of the Red Sea), I'm not sure how significant it is, as I do not believe the tabernacle/temple are models for worship today. After all, they are no longer needed as Jesus has made the full and final sacrifice.

            You conclude this section by discussing the rightness of King David’s behaviour, but you fail to consider what happened to Michal after she criticised him (2 Sam 6:23). This is seen as being a judgement from the Lord. If wearing the ephod or dancing was wrong in the sight of God, why wasn't David punished instead of Michal? Why didn't he receive the same fate as Uzzah? I think it is the unanimous view of commentators that David was in a "season of rightness before God" (your phrase) at this time, and Michal was not.

            We can interpret David's actions as indicating that, at this key moment in the history of Israel, he wanted the nation's attention to focus on God and not on their human King, and also that he should step down from his formal position and offer worship to God along with the priests and common people. He was setting an example for all to follow.

            A key point to note is that talking about "Miriam's dance" or "David's dance" actually distorts the picture. We develop a mental image of some sort of solo performance, which is inaccurate. Miriam and David were leaders, but they weren't the only dancers. Dance in the Bible is primarily a communal expression of worship and rejoicing, and both passages say that a significant proportion of the people present were dancing.

            I do share your view that a biblical description of something that happened at a particular time does not necessarily amount to a biblical prescription for all time. However, when something is mentioned several times and is good and proper before God, it does tend to tip the balance in its favour. But proper study is still needed.

            I plan next to respond to the second part of your post, "A Short Study on Dancing as Worship During the Current Dispensation". But I welcome comments from anyone.

            Let me offer a closing question to make people think. How come it is that playing an instrument in church (be it organ, piano, guitar, or anything else) is accepted and goes without question, yet if someone suggests dancing in worship, they are often asked to come up with a rigorous theological justification? Neitherare mentioned in the new testament. (I am aware that some churches do not permit musical instruments, but they are in a very tiny minority). What's more, would we expect a musician to be able to produce a detailed biblical argument in favor of instruments in worship? So why do we think dancers and dance teachers will be able to do something similar?


            • #7

              The loosely written outline of David dancing is provided for entertainment value, not for sake of theological exegesis. This should be obvious, whereas we know there were no electrical wires present in those days to have slayed Uzzah. I feel silly for even having to explain this. Also, reflecting on the account of David has little to do with subject addressed, other than it is often used by proponents as proof text to justify dancing in the church. Similar to David's love for Jonathan being used as proof doctrine to justify homosexuality as approved of God. Even a 390 page book, "Gay Christian 101 - Spiritual Self-Defense For Gay Christians" was written to thoroughly explain why David and Jonathan were gay lovers. Anyone can be quite convinced of any given position, and build a castle wall of justification around it, but if the foundation is not "Truth" it shall perish in time.

              The other concentrated efforts of negation spring from personal speculation, whereas much of the arguments lack empirical evidence for want of data. Equally, the arguments have no practical bearing on the subject discussed. The effort to dissect every thought presented does not spring from a benevolent intent, but as a method to disqualify the writer, in preparation to present an opposing view. Efforts to diminish a commentator is common when the intention is to disqualify. I find the debate overview to be highly peripheral, departing on tangents for the sake of defending a pet persuasion. Since you are a dance instructor for churches and for secular employment, you must fault everything presented for the sake of personal defense, even at the expense of the truth. For this, I do not think it prudent to defend my presentation for the vagrancy of argumentative intent and the obvious motive behind the effort.


              • #8
                Does David's Dancing Mean We Should Dance?

                Rev 4:10 the twenty-four elders fell down before the One sitting on the throne. And they worshiped Him who lives for ever and ever, and threw their crowns before the throne, saying,
                Rev 4:11 O Lord, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You created all things, and for Your will they are and were created.
                Rev 5:8 And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having harps and golden vials full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
                Rev 5:14 And the four living creatures said, Amen. And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped the One living forever and ever.
                Rev 7:11 And all the angels stood around the throne, and the elders, and the four living creatures, and they fell before the throne on their faces and worshiped God,
                Rev 11:16 And the twenty-four elders sitting before God on their thrones, fell on their faces and worshiped God,
                Rev 14:3 And they sang as it were a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders.
                Rev 19:4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God sitting on the throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah!
                Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me, See, do not do it! I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
                Rev 22:8 And I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel showing me these things.

                All the above verses point to the standard of worship in heaven, a standard which should be our standard on earth.

                Mark 14:25 Truly I say to you, I will no more drink of the fruit of the vine until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
                Mark 14:26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
                Matthew 26:29 But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom.
                Matthew 26:30 And singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

                It is obvious how the Church has deviated from the Heavenly standard and Jesus' example of worship.


                • #9
                  Dance Dance Dance

                  As SERay wrote, I believe that dancing to glorify God is not in itself a sin, however our worship conduct should be respectful and with modesty.

                  When the expression of dancing becomes the focal point and God does not get the glory, it is then we should be concerned. I see that it could become a position of pride in which people might think... "Since I dance in the Spirit, I must therefore be a better Christian than those who do not". Then we have the age old problem of Phariseeism, giving more value to an act or conduct then the contrite subservience of the heart.

                  Is is absurd to think that dancing is a sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit or that somehow such an act expresses a greater spirituallity. As if only he/she who dances are truly filled with the Holy Spirit. This same error exists among those who insist on tongues. Charismatic spectacles in large are a mockery to God, becoming a circus display of spiritual freaks on exhibit in the church. It most certainly is not the Holy Ghost, but a series of behaviors fueled by the desire to show off or to feel accepted among peers. I don't recall any scriptural reference to angels in the presence of God, writhing and girating, chanting in estoteric tongues and running about like one who is mad? What about the priests who entered the Holy of Holies? Holy reverance is the picture that is painted in a Scripture as a whole. This Charismatic confusion, we should have nothing to do with it.


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