I truly have heard that in biblical days that the hand was considered from the elbow to the end of the tip of the middle finger.... Have your read this from any reliable sources?
Thus, when Jesus said look at my hands and feet.... (allowing the disciples to see the nail scars in his hand... that in reality it could have been located in the wrist area more so than our assumed understanding of just in the palm of the hand.)
I love the Word... and never want to change the Word... but I also know that our Western mindsets don't always 'get it'.... but we think we have it all correct, and yet we lack more than we realize.
Nothing urgent.... but thought I would ask. We often become ridiculously legalistic in our understanding and we end up missing the main thing.... I am not after that... have enough friends like that....
Also know that you are busy nowadays, so just some time maybe you can share a little tidbit. First things first... according to your priorities.
Thus, when Jesus said look at my hands and feet.... (allowing the disciples to see the nail scars in his hand... that in reality it could have been located in the wrist area more so than our assumed understanding of just in the palm of the hand.)
I love the Word... and never want to change the Word... but I also know that our Western mindsets don't always 'get it'.... but we think we have it all correct, and yet we lack more than we realize.
Nothing urgent.... but thought I would ask. We often become ridiculously legalistic in our understanding and we end up missing the main thing.... I am not after that... have enough friends like that....
Also know that you are busy nowadays, so just some time maybe you can share a little tidbit. First things first... according to your priorities.
