The Dearborn attacks



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  • The Dearborn attacks

    hey bro - this is what I was encouraged to send to a rep for the Arab Fest in Dearborn, MI where some of our family in Christ were assaulted by Islamic fanatics:

    YouTube - Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US

    To Ms.Fay Beydoun and all Arabs dwelling in America:

    What took place in Dearborn is morally,ethically,socially,and constitutionally unacceptable to this or any other nation. As representing American citizens of all faiths and colors and creeds, I feel that a public apology and ownership of this incident is in order and well warranted.

    Please notify your associates and associated organizations *(Arab International Festival’s organizers, the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, in Dearborn, MI) *that this type of behavior will not be accepted or tolerated here in the United States of America.

    It shows humanity at its very worst, and has only aroused more hate towards Arab people.

    Be very assured that we, the people of America, value our freedom of speech and worship and with God's help, will keep our country safe and secure within and without from continued acts of terrorism and persecution from anti-christians,anti-semites and other haters.

    God, the true and living God, is greatest.

    With liberty and justice for all,
    Dr. James Blank
    Citizen of the United States of America
    Lifelong Follower of The Way, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of Israel, the Son of the One True and Living G-D and Savior of the World.

  • #2
    Sharia comes to Dearborn Michigan

    As I watched the video, the Spirit in me immediately testified to my heart that Acts 17 Apologetics, who shot the video, were being overbearing and were clearly pressing the situation, causing an escalation. Yes, it is discrimination to not accept all faiths, in the wisdom of worldly thinking. Clearly, there is nothing sound or moral about the Muslim principals upheld by Sharia courts, therefore no one should expect those who adhere, to act responsible and honorable. The Muslim faith promotes violence against those who are not in agreement with it's principals, and event mandate death to those who refuse to conform. The God of love is no where to be found in it.

    Christ was quoted by all the synoptic gospels (ex. Luke 9:5) , saying to his disciples if his message wasn't received in a town, not to leave a blessing, but shake the dirt from their sandals as a sign that you are done with that town and move on. We are not to debate with those who can't hear. "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine" Matthew 7:6, but move on to harvest those who will. It isn't about who is right or who is wrong, that is the judicial precepts of the earthy. Man's wicked hearts shall wax evil and perversions shall abound. Mere intellectual assent is not sufficient to alter the nature of fallen man.

    Christ's ministry was about declaring the truth in all settings, and praying the truth be received by those who would hear. If the disciples died, they died unto Christ, if they lived, they lived another day for Christ. If the declaring of truth was rejected, Christ move along to a new place. Jesus was not part of the Jewish revolt from the Romans, as Judas was fully an adherent. Judas thought his handing Christ over to the authorities would FORCE Jesus to take the throne by force through His power. But Judas had it all wrong, like those who stimulate conflict with those of other religious systems that are not of God's counsel.

    Such become error unto themselves when they confront and stimulate toward prejudice and even hate. Christ would have no part of what Acts 17 Apologetics propagates. We are not to be militant for the doctrines of theology or the principles of Christianity as the ultimate truth, but rather militant for the SOULS that will perish without Christ. It is spiritual pride that reckons we must persuade our opponents to bow to our Savior's teachings, as the ultimate truth.

    There is considerable error in the church today, for lack of comprehending what Jesus REALLY taught. This is in part the reason why there is little power, why the world gives the church minimal consideration. A good deal of conformity to traditions taught by men, intellectual debates with opponents, and pretenses to power which is often little more than emotional frenzy. Christ would shake his head, look down and walk away in bewilderment saying, "How much longer must I put up with you before you understand" as he did in Mark 9:10. Man's ways are not God's, for His ways are higher. WWJD.


    • #3
      I watched this youtube link a few weeks ago when it came across my home page on Facebook. I clicked on it out of curiosity to see the persecution of the Christians. As I watched it, I was almost sickened at what I saw. Yeah, there were some rude Muslims. But what disgusted me was the impression I got that this group was trying to make a scene, stir up tension, and capture it on video. I saw no agape love. I saw no Jesus. I saw no concern for the souls of the lost. I saw Muslims pushed farther away from the truth they are missing. I imagine hearts turned even harder and further away from the truth at how loved they are by God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      I also want to point out that not all Arabs are Muslim. Last week in Indianapolis, we had the Middle Eastern Festival. It featured Middle Eastern food, music, dancing, and art. The festival was put on as an outreach by Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, and Palestinian Christians.

      I think a much more productive way to interact with Muslims, is to offer to tell them about Jesus. The Koran instructs them to study about Jesus, so we can in a friendly non-combative way assist them in this by sharing of His love and how we have been transformed by His word, His love, and His forgiveness. A living testimony based on truth and delivered in true love is powerful. More powerful than contending for rights, more powerful than debate, more powerful than fighting. None of which has the power to change one mind or heart towards God.


      • #4
        Mary Jo Sharp Responds to Commentary

        Mary Jo Sharp, from Confident Christianity, formerly “Two Chix Apologetics,” has kindly emailed a rebuttal in outline of my comments. I did not write a great deal about my thoughts on the matter, therefore much was left to open speculation. Some of her comments edge toward departure from the subject at hand while other are marked by presumptions about my position. However, she does exhort from the Scripture as we all should, and is a very kind soul.

        My abbreviated highlights would be, Christ never taught by word or action that we were to correct others about their spiritual system of faith or choices of morality. He taught the truth and warned people not to continue in sin, but he did not confront them as deluded if they chose to continue on their path. The idea that we must declare truth through brazen confrontation is an intellectual premise arrived at by personal philosophies much as the Emergent Church trend is contrived. A convincing overtone of spiritual authority and wisdom, although lacking the full embodiment thereof. Christ’s ministry was to preach the Kingdom is at hand, entreating souls to repent, as to be restored to the Father. His personal objective was the cross as the final sacrifice. He was not involved in the political or religious agendas of mankind, this would have been a grave distraction from his call. As imitators of Christ, we are to empty ourselves in humility as to be filled with His Spirit. This same Spirit is the light of life, or love that attracts those in darkness to the light. Intellectual debate may have some value. However, our tools are not to be carnal (human methods and ideologies), but spiritual for the pulling down of strongholds.

        While I am not liberal in theology, I am not ignorant of human nature. Paul cannot honestly be considered the pristine example of pure spiritual discernment, as one can discover when we learn about his fallout with Barnabas over John-Mark and equally his abrupt remark to the High Priest. These were unfiltered emotional outbursts he later repented of. Paul had a critical, insensitive personality that gave itself to being argumentative. And in such, one cannot always esteem all his bounding vigor outlined in Acts as God's best counsel. Any Christian can have the Spirit but be at the same time in error. This is the dualistic nature of our temporal condition that Paul extensively laments about in Romans 7:15. We are called to emulate Christ, not other people, even Paul. Although he was an immense example, Christ is always preeminent. A historical study of Paul’s missionary journeys in context of the culture and history illuminates much about what is documented in Acts. Whereas at face value, the literal interpretation of scripture by a reader is sometimes misleading. Similar to trying to explain the Indian culture based on someone's brief notes about its weather. Without a good comprehension of the overarching dynamics, there is no bonefide authority in the teaching, only a parrotting of what was read.

        Finally, Christ was justified in his Holy indignation against the religious leaders claiming to represent Yahweh in truth. Without prejudice, the house must be set in order, and since the representatives for God the Father were corrupting the truth with defiled hearts, Christ was just to condemn with severity. However, did Christ exert vigilance against those religious systems that were not in any way in alignment with of the kingdom of light? The cult of Isis and Osiris were abounding as were the Eleusinian and Orphic mystery religions. No, we have no evidence of such pursuits. Christians do not reveal God’s glory by appealing against error, but rather by letting our lights shine among men as a beacon in darkness. As a bonfire attracts wandering travelers on a dark night, so does the untethered love of Christ emanating from us attract empty souls. A spat of words or orchestrated techniques does nothing to satisfy the souls inner yearning. In my 34 years as a Christian, I have won far more for Christ by love than by staging an entrenched position. Tenacious resiliency should instead be directed to mercy, longsuffering and forgiveness. Confrontation and debate only hardens the heart in opposition against any message presented. Additionally, the exhibition of knowledge for the sake of an unyeilding position is flirting dangeriously with the avacarious root of pride.

        The following is Mary Jo’s defense for Acts 17 Apologetics:

        I appreciate your concern to hold Christians accountable for their actions and intent. We should admonish one another in Christ to build each other up and mature in our knowledge of the Lord. I am concerned, however, for some of the philosophy you have credited to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God, and for the inattention to the actions of the apostle Paul. I will put some things down here, but I will not have much time for follow-ups, and for that I am sorry.

        First, the Spirit immediately testifying to you about our actions: When it comes to the subjective experience of individual's interaction with God, we must have an objective test to verify the experience; otherwise, anything goes. That objective test is the comparison to the Scriptures. What we did at the festival does not violate the principles and actions found in the Scriptures. So now why would you say here that the Spirit of God testified against us? The same Spirit lives in you and lives in us. If you say the Spirit is testifying against us when we have not violated Scriptural teachings, he is essentially testifying against himself (because we have the same Spirit in us). That is a theological problem. You cannot simply imply that the Spirit of God is guiding you and not us. You are going to have to show us how we have violated the teachings of Jesus and the apostles in a comprehensive way (ie. the apostles never acted like our video after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit). Perhaps, you have a different way of handling false doctrines of man. But that does not explicitly mean we are incorrect. Either way, false doctrines must be handled according to 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Colossians 2:8.

        We are not to debate with those who can't hear, but move on to harvest those who will: Christ did preach his message to all; not just those who would hear, as you have stated. Jesus also frequently engaged in dialog with the Sadducees and Pharisees. Plus, a whole chapter of Matthew is devoted to Christ's address of those who would not hear (Matthew 23).

        Paul and Silas were jailed, beaten, and run out of town for their preaching. Paul boldly and aggressively questions King Agrippa's beliefs in Acts 26. "Do you belief the prophets? I know you do." Considering that Paul was addressing a king, this is quite an aggressive statement.

        If the problem is really just debate (which we were not doing in the video…we were engaging in dialog), then in accordance with 2 Corinthians 10:5, how is it that Christians are to destroy false doctrines of man if they are not willing to engage in debate and dialog with those who will not hear? The people who you are reaching may not be the ones engaged in debate, but it may be the listeners or viewers of the debate who are reached (Matthew 22:23-33).

        It isn't about who is right or who is wrong, that is the judicial precepts of the earthy...also mere intellectual assent: This is a huge problem. First, there must be someone who is right and someone who is wrong, otherwise, why adhere to anything at all? Also, on that point, you believe you are correct in your approach and are attempting to tell us we are wrong. So even you believe in the importance of who is right and who is wrong. Second, it appears as though you believe we are focused on intellectual assent, perhaps implying an ignorance of the work of the Spirit on our behalf. This judgment is most likely a result of not comprehensively investigating our ministry efforts, articles, testimonies, and etc. However, if you are implying the intellect has nothing to do with people coming to Christ that is a false doctrine in of itself. When Paul reasoned in the synagogue in Athens, a number of people came to belief that day (Acts 17:34). Also, the use of the mind is included in Jesus' response to the greatest commandment: Matthew 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

        Mere intellectual assent is not sufficient to alter the nature of fallen man. None of us have implied this statement.

        Such become error unto themselves when they confront and stimulate toward prejudice and even hate. This is a fairly hostile statement towards your brothers and sister in Christ who have given their lives to defending the truth of God. False doctrines enslave men. We are attempting to set men free from those doctrines which Jesus says, ""Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." Matthew 23: 13-14

        Jesus also admonishes the false teachers, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are." Matthew 23:15 Jesus strongly and harshly opposes false religion (he also says, "You brood of vipers! You snakes") I believe Jesus loved those 'brood of vipers' as much as he loved everyone else. So why would he be so harsh in his address?

        Christ would have no part of what Acts 17 Apologetics propagates. Acts 17 propagates the instruction about and exposure of false doctrines. You are mistaken. Read Matthew 23. Islam enslaves God's creation. This is not to be taken lightly. I do not see how you can say Christ would not deal harshly with this religion. Christ is the perfectly righteous God of the universe as well as the perfectly loving sacrifice for all mankind.

        We are not to be militant for the doctrines of theology or the principles of Christianity as the ultimate truth, but rather militant for the SOULS that will perish without Christ. "Militant" suggests that we were war-like in our dealings with the people at the festival. No, we were not. We also did not even stir up as much trouble as Paul and Silas.

        We are strictly to be militant for their souls: What if I militantly pursue a soul, but for a false God, according to false doctrines? Without doctrine or theology, we have no understanding of Christ and/or of God that is not subject to the waves of our emotions or the deception of our own desires. Perhaps I have misunderstood this statement, but the prophet Hosea says that God’s people come to ruin for a lack of the knowledge of God. Hosea 4:6 and 4:14.

        I would agree with you and further say that we are all embattled in spiritual warfare for the souls of men. But I do not want to forget that it is a battle. (Ephesians 6:12) There are too many apathetic soldiers in the army of God.

        It is pride that reckons we must persuade our opponents to bow to our Savior's teachings, as the ultimate truth. This is an assumption that cannot be made by the video alone. What we did was to ask them to support the teachings of their pamphlet and we were bold in doing so. But even at that, something else bothers me about this statement. Are you saying pride is the direct cause of a person's attempt to persuade their opponents of our Savior's teaching? (I'm purposefully leaving out the "bow" part, which seems hyperbolic.) This is completely against the actions and words of the apostle Paul in Acts, chapters 17-26. Paul aggressively and argumentatively attempts to convince people of the truth of the Savior. Also, his presence in a town was often coupled with a city riot, a beating, an attempt to murder him, or being run out of town. This was the reaction of those who heard the apostle Paul. Although, sometimes, many did believe his message.

        Acts 17:2 - "As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead." Because of Paul's reasoning and proving Christ's suffering and resurrection, the city rioted.

        Acts 18:6 - Paul did not simply "shake the dust off his sandals" and move on every time (as you have said Jesus told us to do). Paul's wording here is much harsher: "But when the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, "Your blood be on your own heads! I am clear of my responsibility. From now on I will go to the Gentiles." Is Paul going against Jesus' teachings?

        Acts 19:8 - Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God." Due to their obstinacy and maligning of The Way, he left them after three months of arguing. Notice that Paul did argue and for three months.

        Acts 19: 23-41 - Paul and his traveling companions so disturbed Ephesus that the town nearly rioted over them.

        Acts 21:30-36 - Paul's presence in Jerusalem caused a great uproar that Luke reports the "whole city was aroused" and they attempted to kill him.

        Acts 22 - Paul gives a defense of his beliefs and the crowd again reacts violently.

        Acts 23:3 - "Then Paul said to him, "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!" Then he apologized, not for his harshness, but for speaking ill of the high priest, because the high priest was the ruler of the people. After Paul carried on in his statement, there was an uproar amongst the Sanhedrin.

        Acts 24:5 - "We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world."

        Acts 26 - Paul's presentation and questioning of King Agrippa II, even though his forwardness with the king could have cost him his life on the spot.

        I find all over Acts (and also Paul's letters) a bold and confrontational man who despised false doctrine and argued to the point of creating riots in the city. So I have a couple of questions: Am I interpreting the Scriptures incorrectly? Or are these reports of Paul false (therefore the New Testament would be unreliable)? Is Paul opposing Jesus' teachings? Or are we to follow only part of Paul's message and actions: the part that does not imitate his boldness? Also, what do we do with Jesus' message in Matthew 23 when he harshly addresses false teachers?

        WWJD: I do not believe for a moment that you or I could ever live up to God Incarnate's actions on earth. That is an unfortunate misconception of the well-intentioned WWJD movement that creates heavy burdens man cannot bear. We are like the man in James 1 who looks in the mirror and then walks away forgetting the truth of what he saw and creating a better, more righteous image of himself. I cannot do what Jesus did: I am fully human. I can, through the power of Christ in me, continue to become more and more conformed to his image. I can assess my actions and motives, comparing them to Scripture, and intend to become more like Christ through the process.

        I request a comprehensive approach to the New Testament and to the ministry in question when assessing a ministry's actions, such as Acts 17. We have not done anything contrary to the actions of the apostles or the teachings of Christ.

        Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. I will thank God for you and your ministry as you continue to build up and encourage the body of Christ. Eph. 4

        Grace and peace to you,
        Mary Jo Sharp


        • #5
          Comments on Video

          After watching the video I was troubled by the way the Christians were behaving. I have read through all the threads and have included my comments below:

          God can defend Himself we need not defend Him… sometimes we think we are too “smart” for our own good!

          It breaks my heart when I hear that my brothers and sisters in Christ use their interpretation of scripture to defend a mental position and impose it on others; rather than allow Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and minds with purpose and direction. It does not break my heart because I have placed myself on a pedestal, rather I remember a time when I acted in a similar manner. While I believe that the Paul of Acts 17 had good intentions, the following comment resonated with me, “the dualistic nature of our temporal condition that Paul extensively laments about in Romans 7:15.” It is not, and never should be, about who is right or wrong, it is about the LOVE OF GOD, “… speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ”, Ephesians 15.

          Mary Jo’s comment, “When Paul reasoned in the synagogue in Athens, a number of people came to belief that day”, strikes me as interesting because I have found it difficult to get through to someone who is not willing to listen to reason.

          The other comment that stood out, “I cannot do what Jesus did: I am fully human”, I think God can do amazing things through us as long as we do not let our ego to take the lead, “I Can Do All Things through Christ Jesus Who Gives Me Strength” Philippians 4:13.

          "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,"

          While awaiting Heaven, Christians still have need of the Earth on which to live. Jesus says that we must not give more importance to the world (other religions, beliefs, things, etc.) than to others. By these words I believe He wishes to say that the world has been monopolized by those who are violent, to the detriment of the meek and peaceful, who frequently lack even the necessities of life while others have in abundance. Jesus promises justice will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven because the meek will be called God's children. When humanity submits itself to the law of love and charity, then selfishness will cease to exist; the weak and peaceful will no longer be exploited or crushed by the strong and violent. This will be the condition of the Earth when Christ returns to rid it of all evil, according to the promise made by Jesus.

          We must be set apart from this world, kindness towards people, which is the result of loving your neighbor, manifests itself in the form of gentleness and meekness. However, it is not always a good thing to trust in appearances. Education and worldliness can give us a thin veneer of these qualities. There are many whose disguised good-nature is nothing more than an exterior mask, like beautiful clothes hiding interior deformities! The world is full of such people with a smile on their lips but poison in their hearts; who are mild as long as nothing irritates them, but who bite at the least provocation; those whose tongues are made of gold when speaking face to face, but change into a poisoned dart when speaking from behind. Still in the category of those showing kind countenance, there are those domestic tyrants who make their families and subordinates suffer the weight of their pride and overbearing control. As if they are trying to get even for any constraints imposed upon them. They are proud to be able to say "I give the orders here and am obeyed.” But they never think that they could also add, "And I am detested.” It is not enough for milk and honey to flow from the lips. If the heart is never associated with these sentiments then there is only hypocrisy. Those whose kindness and mildness are not mere pretence are never false, for they are always the same whether in society or in privacy. Although it is possible to deceive man, no one can deceive God.

          In Matthew Jesus establishes meekness, moderation, docility, kindness and patience as the Law of the Spirit. Consequently condemning violence, anger and all antagonistic expressions towards others. For example, Raca was a disdainful expression amongst the Hebrews meaning a worthless person, and was accompanied by pronounced spitting and turning the head to one side and is still used today in the Middle East. At one point Jesus goes so far as to threaten anyone who says to another - you are insane - with the fire of hell. It therefore becomes evident that here, as in all circumstances, the intention aggravates or lessens the offence. But why should a simple word or action become something so grave as to warrant such severe reproof? This is because every offensive word, action or thought expresses a sentiment that is contrary to the laws of love and charity, which preside over all human relationships, and between them maintain cordiality and union. By sustaining animosity, we are undermining reciprocated acts of kindness and love that are ordained by God.

          In short, next to humility before God, love of your neighbor (whether Christian or not) is one of the first laws of all Christians.


          • #6

            The cries of ''That's assault'' should be compared to the prayer Jesus said as they drove the nails into His hands.

            Jesus never organized a protest over Pilate's murderous actions against his fellow Galileans. (Luke 13:1-4)
            Prayer is the power that overcomes the working of spiritual darkness, not our wisdom or techniques. We have been given spiritual solutions to spiritual problems. Our weapons are not carnal ( 2 Cor 10:4).

            John prophesied boldly against Herod ( Mark 6:17-18) and it cost Him His life yet Jesus never organized a jail break or protest against the magistrate, even though Jesus knew John was in prison ( Matt 11:1-6). Jesus never protested about the oppressive occupation of his homeland by the Romans, these were temporal matters that had no afterlife significance.

            We must be about our Heavenly Father's business, not under the persuasions of our own wisdom and agenda's.


            • #7
              Husband Defends his Wife

              Mary Jo's husband decided to jump into the fray, by sending emails to correct my perspective on the Acts 17 Apologetics. I mentioned under the YouTube video that I think believers can play the role of Judas, thinking they are serving the greater good when all the while actually fulfilling human agendas. I did not mean this group was like unto Satan, nor did I provide the link to this thread to publize the forum as accused, but rather wanted to afford readers the opportunity to gain a different view. Numerious people were posting comments about how they were not in agreement with what they saw. The following is his rebuke:

              So, you are calling these Godly men and women and their supporters Judas Iscariot? Also, you are self-promoting on a link that is garnering nearly a million hits. You seem like an opportunists to me. Just so you know, the supporters you are demonizing include: SBC, NAMB, Biola University, Dr. William Lane Craig, Confident Christianity, Nassau Bay Baptist Church, Southern Baptists of Texas, Dr. Mike Licona, Josh McDowell, Dr. Paul Copan, and a couple of thousand more on Facebook.

              Also, if you'll actually take the time to research that which you condemn, you'll find out that the intentions of these ministries are not as you have villainized.

              I'm perplexed that a Christian has the gall to call fellow believers liken unto Judas. Which is more harmful:

              1. Christians confronting false doctrine
              2. Christians publicly condemning fellow Christians

              Seems obvious to me. Please consider offering a public apology to all aforementioned Christian ministries. You are way out of line on this issue and are doing much harm to the cause of Christ.

              Rev. Roger L. Sharp, BME, MA
              Associate Pastor
              Nassau Bay Baptist Church
              Houston, Texas

              My Bible tells me I'm saved:
              Romans 10:9-10
              John 3:16

              Three more emails were sent, with extensive negation. I do not think it wise to post them due to content.

              This can be the heart of those who propagate the escalation of opposition against other races and religions, doing so outside the context of Christ's love. Such may name-drop prominent leaders as if their status sanctifies a position, and count the number of supporters as if this was an equation to justify the cause. Furthermore, typing out one's title and doctorates to impress the reader of their office or status is not grounded in a spirit of humility.

              I immediately deleted the YouTube comment and hid this thread from visitors in the spirit of peace. It is best to seek peace, digress from divisive content and shake the dirt from one's feet. Otherwise, I am no better than those whom the Spirit calls into accountability for the same violations. When God's counsel is revealed, to this end we are held in account.


              • #8
                Let's swap shoes!

                So... I see that there has been much heated discussion on the events at this Muslim festival in a Muslim area in Michigan. I have read several comments from above that are well balanced, and rooted in common scene. I feel no need to site scripture, it appears that all involved in this post is well versed in scripture. Let us step back and LOOK at the issue at play here.

                We agree as Christian Brothers and Sisters that we have a genuine heart for folks who do not accept God's plan and covering for our sins, Jesus Christ. After all that is basic Christianity. That is not Religion, that is God's revelation to humanity.

                Got it, we can all agree on that. Good! We can love one another!

                Now, as the mater pertains to Apologetics, I see that we have several different Ideas on how we should share our knowledge of Christ with others.

                Brothers and Sisters, we need to humble ourselves and step back and ask the Holy Spirit how to proceed in such matters. We also need to humble ourselves and our pride, "Winning Souls" is NOT about how many notches we can put in our Bible. How many souls are out there that have been brought to pray the sinners prayer, and then are left at the alter to have no further shepherding? We have thousands who have been born again and then left out in the cold driving rain without the nourishment and milk of knowledge that can only come from the covering and fellowship with mature believers... there are going to be many questions that soul has following the conversion of that persons heart. We cannot continue to ignore our own.

                Might I quickly mention the Life of John Wesley. He spent the first several years in his ministry and ordination of the church of England frantically trying to save every soul he stumbled upon. He even spent time trying to convert other believers, such as Monrovians on the way to America for example, to ascribe to the theology of the Church of England. Yet he did not have peace in his heart, he did not have the reassurance of salvation! It was not until he gave up on his Mission to America and returned to England where he was invited to attend a gathering of believers at Aldersgate St. where he felt his heart "strangely warmed" and thus the baptism of the spirit and the real conversion of his heart, as he finally found the peace of salvation he was looking for.

                So that's the cliff notes version... feel free to correct me I have no degrees but have read much of his history and that is as close as I recall it.

                HERE'S MY POINT: How much time do we as Christians WASTE arguing over such silly things amongst Christians? Are we not all apart of the Family of God? Let's drop the Religion friends, let's look to the true religion. Our Salvation is by the Blood of Christ, and no other.

                So how do we communicate that to others? I would suggest that first and foremost we must live it, 24-7-365. If the spirit is in our heart it will shine out to all who see us. That confusion in your friends or neighbors heart, much like John's....might be searching for the PEACE and LOVE that Christ offers all of us, and let it show! Let it live in your heart.

                Can you imagine a group, or even a couple of Muslims, Showing up at your Church's Pancake Breakfast? Or say at your public festival booth? Would you feel threated? I am sure that you would react and be uncomfortable.

                I do not condone the actions of those involved in that festival previously mentioned, or the security folks... I mean, wow... what a witness for Islam! Let that speak for itself. As far as our rights being limited somehow or that Sharia is here... not sure how this pertains to rights being infringed, we are so quick to be a victim. They were allowed to enter initially right?? They were allowed to leave, right? How about respecting their right to peacefully assemble? Is there no discernment? Seems to me if you are made to be unwelcome you would respect their request to leave their festival. Go back and stir them up more? Refuse to honor their request for no cameras? There is absolutely no wisdom in that.

                But could we at least try to think for a minute, what other result were you expecting? Oh man, we were wrong! Tell me more about Jesus! That would be really nice, but these folk's hearts have been hardened to the truth. You just as well plant Orchids in concrete! A Muslim's heart (or anyone's, for that matter) requires God's supernatural Spirit to fix! Sure, we can be sent as others were to aid in the conversion of John Wesley... but the conversion was solely in the hands of God. Look in your heart, and tell me that there was never a time in your life that you fled, that you resisted God's will. That you questioned His existence. That you wondered if you were "On the right team"... what finally won you over? 100,000 printed tracts shoved in your face, while being told that you are wrong? How about we meet the needs, physical and spiritual, of the down trodden and the lost. There are plenty of those who have not even heard the Good News that would at least stop and consider what you had to share with them, let alone hardened life long Muslims.

                I think my main point is that apologetics is about being able to defend and reason to someone with an alternative view, your views and convictions in a logical and loving way. It isn't about I'm right and your wrong, it is a "I believe this and this is why..."

                We as Christians need to be careful how we deliver the message of Christ that we do not become a stumbling block to another's spiritual growth, as you may have read that it would be better that a millstone be tied around our neck and tossed into the lake.
                Again... such evangelism techniques as going door-to-door unannounced equally does such harm... how would you receive a Jehovah's witness or Muslim on your doorstep? Why do Christians think such tactics will result in a different response?

                Lastly, If God has called you to "Extreme Evangelism", great. I am in no position to say he has not. Go for it, hope it goes well. Just don't be so prideful as to think that God needs you to reach one of His chosen. We are so quick to not consider God's timing in our lives. May we all be found daily in our Prayer Closet and deeply reflecting and considering how God would use us to further HIS KINGDOM.




                • #9
                  Dearborn attacks

                  If a man is hungry, then place a plate of food before him and invite him to eat. If you force feed him, then he will vomit it up.

                  If we do not examine our ways in the light of scripture then these scriptures will be our judges.
                  Romans 2:24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the nations because of you, as it is written.
                  2 Peter 2:2 and because of them the way of truth will be evil spoken of.

                  I remember once being in a heated debate with a person of a certain religion. I actually was on a ego-trip and was trying to prove them wrong. I won the debate, but not their soul. And probably made them more resistent to The Lord. The only kingdom that was advanced was the kingdom of my own arrogance. I now know that we are called to pray and sow the word.

                  Mark 4:14 The sower sows the Word.
                  1 Cor 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
                  Jesus said '' Follow me and I will make you fishers of men''.

                  It is only following Jesus that will make an eternal difference. My ways have no value and can actually hinder the Kingdom of God.
                  Only as we submit to Jesus and learn His ways can we be truly be useful to the Master and His Kingdom. Jesus said '' Without Me you can do NOTHING''. And NOTHING means NOTHING.

                  May we all repent of our ways and in true submission embrace The Lord's.

                  Peace be upon HIS people.


                  • #10
                    What Were They Thinking?

                    You know, it’s funny. As I watched the video, I was also moved that the people in question were not consistently acting out of love for the Muslims or concern for their souls. It started out as an honest attempt at dialogue, but that ended very quickly, and the issue became more about their ‘rights’ as Americans (or whatever) than truth-seeking,

                    I do appreciate Mary Jo’s admonition that reproof needs to be in line with scripture. And technically, no, they did not break any specific scriptural admonitions. Well, except those bothersome ones about loving your enemies, blessing those who persecute you, and treating others as you would be treated. But that’s not what was going on. The documentarians cried ‘foul’ at every possible occasion and made it clear that the violation of their ‘rights’ as Americans was of greater concern than any honest attempt at conversations about truth.

                    Anyway, here’s a (hopefully) helpful aside:

                    As I was doing some research before going on tour sharing the Gospel in Egypt last year, I had a number of conversations with people who had many decades of experience ministering the Gospel in the Arab world.

                    One of the guys I spoke with had been in Jordan when the U.S. bombed Libya during Khaddafi’s reign in the early 80s. He got into a taxi in Amman, and the cabbie asked him “Why have the Christians bombed Libya?” What must be understood is that in the Arab/Muslim world, they do not compartmentalize politics, religion and culture like we do. In their world, it is much more mingled together.

                    To them, everything they see coming out of our political system and culture is a product of Christianity. That would include the violence and lasciviousness of our entertainment media and the actions of our military, the behavior of our politicians, etc. Their culture places a high value on modesty, family, and fidelity, etc., and everything they see from the West is an affront to those values.

                    Truthfully, when I look at the same elements of our culture, I can’t say I blame them for their biases against us. So, of course they think we are infidels. But because they do not have the mind or heart of Christ, their desire is not to convert – it’s to conquer. But we must be above that - we have been called to reach people with the truth, not assert or defend our ‘rights’. We have been called to love our enemies and bless those who persecute us. We have been called to share the Gospel, and that requires compassion, not confrontation.

                    I didn’t see any compassion in the video. I saw no attempt to understand the culture they were trying to influence. What I saw was someone poke a stick in a hornet’s nest and threaten to sue the swarm. I’m am sure we’re going to get anywhere that way.


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